Your Search: 1985 >Nissan > 200Sx > Interior > Front Seat > Alternate Front Seat

Matching Parts

Hollander Parts is your online source for 1985 Nissan 200Sx Interior Front Seat Alternate Front Seat.

The average price of a used 1985 Nissan 200Sx Interior Front Seat Alternate Front Seat with 98,000 miles begin around $100.


*Please contact the seller if you have any questions regarding compatibility of this part with your vehicle.
In-Store Pickup Available!
Excellent Condition (Grade A)
Mileage 162,000
E - Z Auto Wrecking
East Wenatchee, WA
In-Store Pickup Available!
Excellent Condition (Grade A)
Mileage 162,000
E - Z Auto Wrecking
East Wenatchee, WA
 used-auto-parts 1985 nissan 200sx interior 202-front-seat 202.da1k85-alternate-front-seat part-72540-1254-1
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Excellent Condition (Grade A)
Mileage 98,000
Harbor Auto Used Pts. Div
Lynn, MA
 used-auto-parts 1985 nissan 200sx interior 202-front-seat 202.da1k85-alternate-front-seat part-4115-2610-1
Call For Price
Part Grade Unknown
Mileage 136,000
Wisher's Auto Recycling
Kalispell, MT
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